Projects to come. I'm still alive! Just trying to catch up with life.
Here's a few projects i've made the last long while.
I don't have tutorials but if you have questions, let me know! Thanks!

Here's a few projects i've made the last long while.
I don't have tutorials but if you have questions, let me know! Thanks!

Decorative Throw Pillows
Baby Dress
Skirt for my Oldest
Dog Blankets. Literally, Blankets for dogs to lay on. Comfy and cute
Picnic Blanket for my girls
This group of projects altogether. I made them within a few days. It helps when you are motivated to use your fabric stock!

Matching skirts for my girls

Cinderella dress for my Niece. It was a gift for her second birthday. It was a fun project to make!
Pinky Pie likes her new home!

This is one of my favorites! A baby doll swaddle. I found the pattern online and I just scaled it down to doll size.

My 2 oldest testing it out for baby.
Yes, More to come! I have lots of pictures to share!
Let me know if you have any specific questions on the projects posted